Industries We Serve
Teachers, Public and Private Schools
- Keep your students and teachers safe by providing properly fit tested N-95 masks. Whether you are an administrator of the school system and want options to protect your employees, or the head of the local teachers union looking to protect your members, we are here to help. Face masks are fine for the grocery store but in the tight confines of a classroom, you want better protection.
- We also provide first aid and CPR training for teachers, and will be here for you long after COVID is gone.
- Some of the first aid training we provide includes Basic First Aid, Advanced First Aid, and Pediatric First Aid for Teachers and Caregivers.
- Very soon we will be offering chemical free sanitizing of outdoor playground equipment, contact us for details and to get to the top of the list.
Truckers, Trucking Companies.
- Your drivers are essential workers, spending days or weeks away from home, on the road, and going in and out of one terminal, warehouse, or manufacturing facility after another. Contact us to properly fit test an N-95 mask and give your drivers the protection they want and deserve.
- We are here to work with you at a few terminals, or, at all your terminals. to get your drivers protected and set up a fit testing program that will work for you.
Movie Industry
- You are shooting on a tight schedule, starting early, running late, or even running a 24 hour schedule. People are busy and people are close. Social distance? OK lets be real here, it is not going to be possible every time.
- What can you do to protect your people? We got your back. We can provide temperature screeners, at the gate, or on a schedule if you have staff living on set.
- We can run with you, 24 hours per day. If you have durable outdoor sets, break areas and the like, we may be able to also provide chemical free sanitizing.
Doctors, Dentists, Eye Doctors, Other Medical and Chiropractic Professionals.
- There is not much more up close and personal than examining a patient or working in your patients mouth, eyes, face. There is also no reason to put your health, and the health and lives of your relatives at risk due to your work.
- One doctor our owner spoke with during the peak of the COVID outbreak at a hospital in NYC had actually moved out into his GARAGE to protect his family, he had no close contact with them. Seriously, you did not go to Med School to live in a garage. That is something you should only do when you are a broke student. You deserve better and your family deserves to see you, safely.
- Our Fit Test Technicians are willing to come out to fit test and certify small and medium sized offices, and even to help you to work with other medical professionals near you to put together a shared certification. Keep yourself and your staff safe, and let your patients and your staff know that their safety and yours is top priority.
Skilled Nursing, Rehabilitation, Long Term Care and Assisted Living
- Whether yours is a post surgery outpatient rehab in a strip mall, a highly specialized inpatient acute or sub acute facility, or a nursing home, the health of your employees must be a priority. Many of your patients may be high risk for contracting, and dying from COVID, and many of your employees may live with or care for at risk relatives at home. Protect your patients, your employees and their families by insuring that they have properly fit tested N-95 masks.
- If you do not do it internally, we are also willing and able to provide your annual Bloodborne and Airborne pathogen training, and semiannual CPR certification.
Grocery stores, Drug Stores and Hardware/Home Improvement Stores
- Your workers and your services are among the most essential of essential. If we can’t eat, fix our cars and houses, and… HOARD TOILET PAPER, what can we do? Seriously though, food, hygiene, and safety are among the most basic of needs. Whether they end up being right or wrong, “the experts” are predicting an increase in virus activity in the fall and your customers will need you then just like they needed you when this started last spring. We are here for you so you can be here for them.
- Keep your workers safe and help them to prevent bringing COVID home to their families, get them properly fit tested with N-95 masks. The proper use of proper fitting PPE is one of the best ways to protect your valuable workers. We are also here to provide Bloodborne and Airborne pathogen training, as needed by clients.
- We will also be offering chemical free sanitation of outdoor areas, especially shopping carts on a nightly or weekly schedule, contact us for details.
Ambulance, transport, para-transit
- Our nations sick, injured, and elderly need safe transport to medical appointments. Those who become emergently ill or injured need a hospital. You are there for them, you run long hours, and high stress late at night and early in the morning putting your own safety at risk. Contact us to get the protection that you deserve, and are required by law to have, a properly fit tested N-95.
Manufacturing, Factories, Lumber, Meat Processing
- Your workers are essential; quite simply, the country needs food and building materials.
- We already saw what happens when grocery stores can’t get food. Farmers need to sell their crops, ranchers need to sell their animals, and consumers need to buy meat. Our Fit Test Technicians are ready to come to you, locally or across the country, at one plant, or many. We can help you keep your workers safe, your business open, your suppliers and customers happy, and the supply lines of our country moving.
- Between COVID, the fires in the northwest lumber and timber country, and increased demand due to the hurricanes in the gulf and Florida, and damage in many of our cities, the last thing our country needs is a lumber shortage. Not to mention our recent run on certain “paper products” for cleaning. We need our lumber and paper mills open and running at capacity. Contact us for N-95 fit testing and certification.
- We are also prepared to come to you locally, regionally, or nationally to do your corporate CPR and Blood/Airborne Pathogen training, as well as first aid training for your response teams.